3 Jul , 2015
A simple and easy delicious bar drink recipe for Popped Cherry, with vodka, cherry liqueur, cranberry juice and orange juice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Serve over ice in a tall glass with a popped cherry. Ingredients:2 oz vodka2 oz cherry liqueur4 oz cranberry juice4 oz orange juice Serve in a Collins Glass Categories: Cocktails / Long […]
alcoholic drink recipe, cherry, cherry liqueur, cocktail, cocktail recipe, Cranberry juice, drink, drink recipe, martini, mixed drink, Orange juice, popped, popped cherry, recipe, Vodka
3 Jul , 2015
Porch Climber, with Molson® Canadian beer, pink lemonade, Absolut® vodka and Canadian Club® whisky. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour over ice in a large cooler. Ingredients:1 case Molson® Canadian beer2 cans frozen pink lemonade26 oz Absolut® vodka26 oz Canadian Club® whisky Serve in a Categories: Punches / Molson® Canadian beer Keywords: porch climber, porch, climber, molson® […]
Absolut® vodka, alcoholic drink recipe, Canadian Club® whisky, climber, cocktail, cocktail recipe, drink, drink recipe, martini, mixed drink, molson® canadian beer, Pink lemonade, porch, porch climber, recipe
3 Jul , 2015
A tasty and fast bar mixed drink recipe for Poppy Cocktail, with gin and white creme de cacao. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz gin3/4 oz white creme de cacao Serve in a Cocktail Glass Categories: Cocktails / Short drinks Keywords: poppy cocktail, poppy, […]
alcoholic drink recipe, cocktail, cocktail recipe, drink, drink recipe, Gin, martini, mixed drink, poppy, poppy cocktail, recipe, White creme de cacao
3 Jul , 2015
Porch Monkey, with vodka, grapefruit schnapps and lemonade. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour vodka and grapefruit schnapps over ice in a highball glass. Fill with lemonade, stir well, and serve. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz vodka1 1/2 oz grapefruit schnapps lemonade Serve in a Highball Glass Categories: Cocktails / Long drinks Keywords: porch monkey, porch, monkey, vodka, grapefruit […]
alcoholic drink recipe, cocktail, cocktail recipe, drink, drink recipe, grapefruit schnapps, Lemonade, martini, mixed drink, monkey, porch, porch monkey, recipe, Vodka
3 Jul , 2015
Porch Crawlers, with pink lemonade, beer, gin and vodka. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Combine all ingredients in a punch bowl. Ingredients:2 cans frozen pink lemonade10 bottles beer13 oz gin13 oz vodka Serve in a Punch Bowl Categories: Punches / pink lemonade Keywords: porch crawlers, porch, crawlers, pink lemonade, beer, gin, vodka, drink recipe, drink, recipe, alcoholic […]
alcoholic drink recipe, Beer, cocktail, cocktail recipe, crawlers, drink, drink recipe, Gin, martini, mixed drink, Pink lemonade, porch, porch crawlers, recipe, Vodka
3 Jul , 2015
A tasty and fast bar mixed drink recipe for Porky Bone, with maple syrup, vodka, Aftershock® Hot & Cool cinnamon schnapps and Kahlua® coffee liqueur. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Let maple syrup collect at the bottom of a highball glass, and lightly mix the other ingredients, with a few ice cubes, over the top. Ingredients:1/2 oz […]
Aftershock® Hot & Cool cinnamon schnapps, alcoholic drink recipe, bone, cocktail, cocktail recipe, drink, drink recipe, Kahlua® coffee liqueur, maple syrup, martini, mixed drink, porky, porky bone, recipe, Vodka
3 Jul , 2015
Pork Chop on Toast, with Russian vodka, cherry vodka and tonic water. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake russian and cherry vodka and strain into a glass half-filled with broken ice. Add tonic water, garnish with a maraschino cherry, and serve. Ingredients:1 oz Russian vodka1 oz cherry vodka2 oz tonic water Serve in a Old-Fashioned Glass Categories: […]
alcoholic drink recipe, Cherry vodka, chop, cocktail, cocktail recipe, drink, drink recipe, martini, mixed drink, on, pork, pork chop on toast, recipe, russian vodka, toast, Tonic water
3 Jul , 2015
A tasty and fast bar mixed drink recipe for Port and Brandy, with port and brandy. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour the port and brandy into a brandy snifter. Stir well, and serve. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz port1 oz brandy Serve in a Brandy Snifter Categories: Cocktails / Short drinks Keywords: port and brandy, port, and, brandy, […]
alcoholic drink recipe, and, Brandy, cocktail, cocktail recipe, drink, drink recipe, martini, mixed drink, Port, port and brandy, recipe
3 Jul , 2015
Homemade Porn Star, with Blue Curacao liqueur and Sour Puss® raspberry liqueur. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour both ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a shot glass, and serve. Ingredients:1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur1/2 oz Sour Puss® raspberry liqueur Serve in a Shot Glass Categories: Shots and Shooters / by base-ingredient […]
alcoholic drink recipe, Blue Curacao liqueur, cocktail, cocktail recipe, drink, drink recipe, martini, mixed drink, porn, porn star, recipe, sour puss® raspberry liqueur, star
3 Jul , 2015
Port Cobbler, with LBV port, triple sec, soda water and sugar syrup. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour ingredients into a wine glass filled with broken ice. Mix, garnish with fruit, and serve with straws. Ingredients:2 1/2 oz LBV port1/3 oz triple sec2 oz soda water1/4 oz sugar syrup Serve in a White Wine Glass Categories: Cocktails […]
alcoholic drink recipe, cobbler, cocktail, cocktail recipe, drink, drink recipe, lbv port, martini, mixed drink, Port, port cobbler, recipe, soda water, sugar syrup, Triple sec
3 Jul , 2015
Homemade Port And Starboard, with grenadine syrup and green creme de menthe. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour carefully into a pousse cafe glass, so that the creme de menthe floats on top of the grenadine. Serve without mixing. Ingredients:1 tbsp grenadine syrup1/2 oz green creme de menthe Serve in a Pousse Cafe Glass Categories: Cocktails / […]
alcoholic drink recipe, and, cocktail, cocktail recipe, drink, drink recipe, Green creme de menthe, Grenadine syrup, martini, mixed drink, Port, port and starboard, recipe, starboard
3 Jul , 2015
Port Wine Cocktail, with port and brandy. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Stir ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Ingredients:2 1/2 oz port1/2 tsp brandy Serve in a Cocktail Glass Categories: Cocktails / Short drinks Keywords: port wine cocktail, port, wine, cocktail, port, brandy, drink recipe, drink, recipe, alcoholic drink recipe, cocktail recipe, […]
alcoholic drink recipe, Brandy, cocktail, cocktail recipe, drink, drink recipe, martini, mixed drink, Port, port wine cocktail, recipe, wine