4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Vesuvio, with light rum, sweet vermouth, lemons, powdered sugar and egg. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes, and serve. Ingredients:1 oz light rum1/2 oz sweet vermouth juice of 1/2 lemons1 tsp powdered sugar1 egg white Serve […]
egg, Lemons, Light rum, martini, powdered sugar, sweet vermouth, vesuvio
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Vicious Sid, with light rum, Southern Comfort® peach liqueur, triple sec, lemon juice and bitters. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Combine all of the ingredients in a shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz […]
bitters, Lemon juice, Light rum, martini, sid, Southern Comfort® peach liqueur, Triple sec, vicious, vicious sid
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Waking to the Call of the Mockingbird, with light rum, sweet vermouth, tawny port, lemon juice, superfine sugar and egg. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes, […]
call, egg, Lemon juice, Light rum, mart, mockingbird, of, superfine sugar, sweet vermouth, tawny port, to, waking, waking to the call of the mockingbird
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for White Lily Cocktail, with light rum, gin, triple sec and anisette. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Ingredients:3/4 oz light rum3/4 oz gin3/4 oz triple sec1/4 tsp anisette Serve in a Cocktail Glass Categories: Cocktails / Short […]
anisette, Gin, Light rum, lily, martini, Triple sec, white, white lily cocktail
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for White Lion Cocktail, with light rum, lemons, grenadine syrup, powdered sugar and bitters. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz light rum juice of 1/2 lemons1/2 tsp grenadine syrup1 tsp powdered sugar2 dashes bitters Serve […]
bitters, Grenadine syrup, Lemons, Light rum, lion, martini, powdered sugar, white, white lion cocktail
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Whop Me Down Sweet Jesus, with vodka, gin, light rum, tequila, triple sec, Blue Curacao liqueur, sweet and sour mix and 7-Up® soda. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Best in a large mason jar. Blue going down, blue coming up. Ingredients:1 oz vodka1 oz gin1 oz light rum1 […]
Blue Curacao liqueur, down, Gin, jesus, Light rum, me, sweet, sweet and sour mix, Tequila, Triple sec, Vodka, whop, whop me down sweet jesus
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for XYZ Cocktail, with light rum, triple sec and lemon juice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Ingredients:1 oz light rum1/2 oz triple sec1 tbsp lemon juice Serve in a Cocktail Glass Categories: Cocktails / Short drinks Keywords: […]
Lemon juice, Light rum, martini, Triple sec, xyz, xyz cocktail
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Yellow Strawberry, with light rum, creme de bananes, strawberries, sweet and sour mix and banana. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients (except banana slice) with ice and strain into a chilled whiskey sour glass. Garnish with the banana slice and serve. Ingredients:1 oz light rum1/2 oz […]
Banana, Creme de bananes, Light rum, martini, Strawberries, strawberry, sweet and sour mix, yellow, yellow strawberry
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for YoYo Blow Out, with light rum, sweet and sour mix and crushed ice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Combine all ingredients in a highball glass. Adjust sour mix for a stiffer or weaker drink. Ingredients:1 part light rum2 parts sweet and sour mix1 part crushed ice Serve in […]
blow, Crushed ice, Light rum, martini, out, sweet and sour mix, yoyo, yoyo blow out
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Zombie, with Bacardi® 151 rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, apricot brandy, sugar, light rum, dark rum and lime juice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Blend all ingredients with ice except Bacardi 151 proof rum. Pour into a collins glass. Float Bacardi 151 proof rum on top. Garnish with […]
Apricot brandy, Bacardi® 151 rum, Dark rum, Light rum, Lime juice, martini, Orange juice, Pineapple juice, Sugar, zombie
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Zombie #5, with light rum, creme de noyaux, triple sec, sweet and sour mix, orange juice and 151 proof rum. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Strain ingredients into collins glass filled with ice. Top with 151 Proof Rum. Ingredients:1 oz light rum1/2 oz creme de noyaux1/2 oz triple […]
creme de noyaux, Light rum, martini, Orange juice, sweet and sour mix, Triple sec, zombie, zombie #5
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Zombie #2, with light rum, creme de almond, sweet and sour mix, triple sec, orange juice and 151 proof rum. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients (except 151 proof rum) with ice and strain into a collins glass over ice cubes. Float the 151 proof rum […]
creme de almond, Light rum, martini, Orange juice, sweet and sour mix, Triple sec, zombie, zombie #2