4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Wonder Woman, with Midori® melon liqueur, peach schnapps, orange juice, pineapple juice and cranberry juice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Carefully layer ingredients, in order, into an ice-filled hurricane glass. Serve unstirred, garnished with a cherry. Ingredients:2 oz Midori® melon liqueur2 oz peach schnapps3 oz orange juice1 oz […]
Cranberry juice, martini, Midori® melon liqueur, Orange juice, Peach schnapps, Pineapple juice, woman, wonder, wonder woman
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Wonder Bra, with gin, Cointreau® orange liqueur and pineapple juice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Serve. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz gin3/4 oz Cointreau® orange liqueur1 oz pineapple juice Serve in a Cocktail Glass Categories: Cocktails / Short […]
bra, Cointreau® orange liqueur, Gin, martini, Pineapple juice, wonder, wonder bra
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Wolfsbane, with vodka, cherry brandy, cream, egg, lemon juice and sugar. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Rub the inside of a highball glass with lemon juice, and sprinkle with sugar. Frost in a freezer. Shake ingredients, pour into the frosted glass, and serve. Ingredients:2 oz vodka1 1/2 oz […]
Cherry brandy, cream, egg, Lemon juice, martini, Sugar, Vodka, wolfsbane
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Worried Monk, with white rum, coconut rum, triple sec, Yellow Chartreuse®, lime juice and orgeat syrup. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake, strain into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice, and serve. Ingredients:1 oz white rum1/2 oz coconut rum1/4 oz triple sec1/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse®3/4 oz […]
Coconut rum, Lime juice, martini, monk, orgeat syrup, Triple sec, White rum, worried, worried monk, yellow chartreuse®
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for WOP, with Midori® melon liqueur, triple sec and vodka. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a shot glass, and serve. Ingredients:1/3 oz Midori® melon liqueur1/3 oz triple sec1/3 oz vodka Serve in a Shot Glass Categories: Shots and […]
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Wookie, with peach schnapps, amaretto almond liqueur and heavy cream. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Mix schnapps and amaretto in a shot glass. Float cream on top, and serve. Ingredients:1 oz peach schnapps1 oz amaretto almond liqueur1 tbsp heavy cream Serve in a Shot Glass Categories: Shots and […]
Amaretto almond liqueur, heavy cream, martini, Peach schnapps, wookie
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for X, with amaretto almond liqueur, wildberry schnapps, sweet and sour mix and Coca-Cola®. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Mix all ingredients in mixing glass and shake with ice. Strain into glass and shoot. Ingredients:3/4 oz amaretto almond liqueur3/4 oz wildberry schnapps1 splash sweet and sour mix1 splash Coca-Cola® […]
Amaretto almond liqueur, Coca-Cola®, martini, sweet and sour mix, wildberry schnapps, x
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Wysoosler, with sweet vermouth, gin, Green Chartreuse® and orange bitters. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour the vermouth, gin, green chartreuse and orange bitters into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Ingredients:1 oz sweet vermouth3/4 oz gin3/4 oz […]
Gin, green chartreuse®, martini, orange bitters, sweet vermouth, wysoosler
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Wu Wu, with vodka, orange juice and cranberry juice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour vodka over ice in a highball glass. Add equal parts of orange and cranberry juice, and serve. Ingredients:2 oz vodka1 part orange juice1 part cranberry juice Serve in a Highball Glass Categories: Cocktails […]
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Wrightsville Sunset, with orange juice, rum, tequila, lime juice, grenadine syrup and bitters. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake, and strain into a large white wine glass half-filled with crushed ice. Ingredients:8 parts orange juice2 parts rum2 parts tequila1 part lime […]
bitters, Grenadine syrup, Lime juice, martini, Orange juice, Rum, sunset, Tequila, wrightsville, wrightsville sunset
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Y2K Shot, with Kahlua® coffee liqueur and Yukon Jack® Canadian whisky. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Serve in a chilled glass. Ingredients:1 part Kahlua® coffee liqueur2 parts Yukon Jack® Canadian whisky Serve in a Shot Glass Categories: Shots and Shooters / by base-ingredient Keywords: y2k shot, y2k, shot, […]
Kahlua® coffee liqueur, martini, shot, y2k, y2k shot, Yukon Jack® Canadian whisky
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Y2K Shot #2, with Absolut® vodka, Midori® melon liqueur and Chambord® raspberry liqueur. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Mix shot over ice in a mixing glass. Strain into shot glass. Ingredients:1 oz Absolut® vodka1 oz Midori® melon liqueur1 oz Chambord® raspberry liqueur Serve in a Shot Glass Categories: […]
Absolut® vodka, chambord® raspberry liqueur, martini, Midori® melon liqueur, shot, y2k, y2k shot #2