27 Apr , 2013
Red Alert, with tequila, banana liqueur, sloe gin and sweet and sour mix. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients together, pour into a highball glass, and serve. Ingredients:1 – 1/2 oz tequila1 – 1/2 oz banana liqueur1 oz sloe gin sweet and sour mix Serve in a Highball Glass Categories: Cocktails / Long drinks Keywords: […]
alert, Banana liqueur, martini, red alert, Sloe gin, sweet and sour mix, Tequila
27 Apr , 2013
A simple and easy delicious bar drink recipe for Red Face, with tequila, cranberry liqueur and cranberry juice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour tequila, cranberry liqueur and cranberry juice into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir, garnish with a lime wedge, and serve. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz tequila1 tsp cranberry liqueur4 oz cranberry juice […]
Cranberry juice, cranberry liqueur, face, martini, red face, Tequila
27 Apr , 2013
A simple and easy delicious bar drink recipe for Red Headed Leg Spreader, with Jagermeister® herbal liqueur, vodka, tequila and cranberry juice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice cubes, and shake well. Strain into a shot glass, and serve. Ingredients:1/4 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur1/4 oz vodka1/4 oz tequila1/4 oz […]
Cranberry juice, headed, Jagermeister® herbal liqueur, leg, martini, red headed leg spreader, spreader, Tequila, Vodka
27 Apr , 2013
Red Headed Mexican, with Sprite® soda, tequila and grenadine syrup. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour desired amount of sprite over ice cubes in an old-fashioned glass. Add tequila, splash grenadine, and serve. Ingredients: Sprite® soda2 oz tequila grenadine syrup Serve in a Old-Fashioned Glass Categories: Cocktails / Short drinks Keywords: red headed mexican, red, headed, mexican, […]
Grenadine syrup, headed, martini, mexican, red headed mexican, Sprite® soda, Tequila
27 Apr , 2013
Red Hurricane, with Bacardi® Limon rum, tequila and cranberry juice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour over ice in a highball glass. Stir, and serve. Ingredients:1 oz Bacardi® Limon rum1 oz tequila3 oz cranberry juice Serve in a Highball Glass Categories: Cocktails / Long drinks Keywords: red hurricane, red, hurricane, bacardi® limon rum, tequila, cranberry juice, drink […]
Bacardi® Limon rum, Cranberry juice, hurricane, martini, red hurricane, Tequila
27 Apr , 2013
Red Tequila, with tequila and Tabasco® sauce. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour tequila into a shot glass. Add tabasco sauce until a strong red color. Serve with a half-slice of lemon on the rim. Ingredients:4 cl tequila2 cl red Tabasco® sauce Serve in a Shot Glass Categories: Shots and Shooters / by base-ingredient Keywords: red tequila, […]
27 Apr , 2013
A tasty and fast bar mixed drink recipe for Retribution, with Rumple Minze® peppermint liqueur, tequila, Jagermeister® herbal liqueur and Firewater® cinnamon schnapps. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake with ice, strain into a highball glass, and serve. Ingredients:1 oz Rumple Minze® peppermint liqueur1 oz tequila1 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur1 oz Firewater® cinnamon schnapps Serve in a […]
firewater® cinnamon schnapps, Jagermeister® herbal liqueur, martini, retribution, Rumple Minze® peppermint liqueur, Tequila
27 Apr , 2013
A simple and easy delicious bar drink recipe for Rieber Red Margarita, with tequila, triple sec and strawberry margarita mix. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Add strawberry margarita mix, tequila, and triple sec to a blender with crushed ice. Blend, and serve with a straw in a chilled glass or mug. Ingredients:3 oz tequila1 1/2 oz triple […]
margarita, martini, rieber, rieber red margarita, strawberry margarita mix, Tequila, Triple sec
27 Apr , 2013
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Roadkill Toaster Oven, with tequila, rum, lime juice, pear juice, pineapple, cherries and pepper. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake rum, tequila, lime juice, juice of 1/2 can pears, and a pinch of red pepper flakes in a mason jar. Garnish with 1 pineapple ring and 2 cherries […]
cherries, Lime juice, martini, oven, pear juice, pepper, Pineapple, roadkill, roadkill toaster oven, Rum, Tequila, toaster
27 Apr , 2013
A simple and easy delicious bar drink recipe for Rocket Fuel, with vodka, tequila and white rum. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Combine in a whiskey sour glass, and serve. Ingredients:1 shot vodka1 shot tequila1 shot white rum Serve in a Whiskey Sour Glass Categories: Cocktails / Short drinks Keywords: rocket fuel, rocket, fuel, vodka, tequila, white […]
fuel, martini, rocket, rocket fuel, Tequila, Vodka, White rum
27 Apr , 2013
Rocky Point Bomber, with tequila and milk. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Drop a shot of vodka into a half a highball glass of milk, or half and half, and shoot. Ingredients:1 oz tequila1/2 glass milk Serve in a Highball Glass Categories: Shots and Shooters / by base-ingredient Keywords: rocky point bomber, rocky, point, bomber, tequila, milk, […]
bomber, martini, Milk, point, rocky, rocky point bomber, Tequila
27 Apr , 2013
A simple and easy delicious bar drink recipe for Root Beer Float 2, with vodka, tequila, Galliano® herbal liqueur, Kahlua® coffee liqueur, cream and Coca-Cola®. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour the vodka, tequila, galliano and kahlua into a highball glass filled with ice. Add a splash of cream, top with coke, and serve. Ingredients:1 oz vodka1 […]
Beer, Coca-Cola®, cream, float, Galliano® herbal liqueur, Kahlua® coffee liqueur, martini, root, root beer float 2, Tequila, Vodka