19 May , 2010
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tequila Bay Breeze, with Tequila Rose® strawberry cream liqueur, Midori® melon liqueur, Blue Curacao liqueur, 151 proof rum, orange juice, pineapple juice and ice cubes. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Blend. Ingredients:1 oz Tequila Rose® strawberry cream liqueur1/2 oz Midori® melon liqueur1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur1/4 oz 151 […]
bay, Blue Curacao liqueur, breeze, co, ice cubes, Midori® melon liqueur, Orange juice, Pineapple juice, Tequila, tequila bay breeze, Tequila Rose® strawberry cream liqueur
19 May , 2010
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tequila Bang Bang, with tequila and Sprite® soda. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour ingredients, in equal parts, into a shot glass. Put your hand on it and be sure its hermetic. Slam it on the table, and shoot. Ingredients:1/2 oz tequila1/2 oz Sprite® soda Serve in a […]
19 May , 2010
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tequila and Tonic, with gold tequila, tonic water, ice cubes and lime. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour 2 1/2 ounces Cuervo Gold Tequila over ice cubes in a highball glass. Fill with tonic. Garnish with lime wedge. Ingredients:2 1/2 oz gold tequila fill with tonic water ice […]
and, Gold tequila, ice cubes, lime, martini, Tequila, tequila and tonic, tonic, Tonic water
19 May , 2010
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tequila (Straight), with lemon, salt and tequila. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Put salt between thumb and index finger on back of left hand. Hold shot glass of tequila in salted hand and lemon wedge in the other. Lick salt, slam the tequila, then suck lemon. Ingredients:1/4 lemon1 […]
19 May , 2010
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tender Loving Care, with tequila and cola. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour a premium tequila over a handful of crushed ice in a highball glass. Add cola. Garnish with a thick slice of lime, and serve. Ingredients:2 oz tequila8 oz cola Serve in a Highball Glass Categories: […]
care, cola, loving, martini, tender, tender loving care, Tequila
19 May , 2010
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tequila Canyon, with tequila, triple sec, cranberry juice, pineapple juice and orange juice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour first 3 ingredients over ice into collins glass and stir gently. Top with pineapple and orange juices. Garnish with a lime wheel. Serve with a straw. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz […]
canyon, Cranberry juice, martini, Orange juice, Pineapple juice, Tequila, tequila canyon, Triple sec
19 May , 2010
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tequila BoomBoom, with tequila, Tabasco® sauce and tonic water. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Throw everything in a glass. Put a towel over the glass slam it on the bar. Before the foam hits the edge off the glass you must have finished it . Ingredients:2 parts tequila8 […]
boomboom, martini, tabasco® sauce, Tequila, tequila boomboom, Tonic water
19 May , 2010
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tequila Colagallo, with Casa Noble® Reposado tequila, Coca-Cola®, lemons and salt. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour lemon juice into glass. Add ice cubes. Add salt. Pour tequila and stir to blend. Fill with coke, and serve. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz Casa Noble® Reposado tequila8 oz Coca-Cola®3 oz lemons3 […]
casa noble® reposado tequila, Coca-Cola®, colagallo, Lemons, martini, salt, Tequila, tequila colagallo
19 May , 2010
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tequila Cocktail, with tequila, lemons, grenadine syrup, egg and lemon. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients (except lemon slice) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Add the slice of lemon and serve. Ingredients:2 oz tequila juice of 1/2 lemons4 dashes grenadine syrup1/3 egg white1 […]
egg, Grenadine syrup, lemon, Lemons, martini, Tequila, tequila cocktail
19 May , 2010
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tequila Manhattan, with tequila, sweet vermouth, lime juice, orange and cherry. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake tequila, vermouth, and lime juice with ice and strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes. Add the slice of orange, top with the cherry, and serve. Ingredients:2 oz tequila1 oz […]
cherry, Lime juice, manhattan, martini, orange, sweet vermouth, Tequila, tequila manhattan
19 May , 2010
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tequila Fizz, with tequila, lemon juice, grenadine syrup, egg and ginger ale. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients (except ginger ale) with ice and strain into a collins glass over ice cubes. Fill with ginger ale, stir, and serve. Ingredients:2 oz tequila1 tbsp lemon juice3/4 oz […]
egg, fizz, Ginger ale, Grenadine syrup, Lemon juice, martini, Tequila, tequila fizz
19 May , 2010
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tequila Fizz #2, with tequila, lemon juice, superfine sugar and club soda. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour tequila, lemon juice and sugar into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into a collins glass almost filled with ice cubes. Add club soda, stir […]
club soda, fizz, Lemon juice, martini, superfine sugar, Tequila, tequila fizz #2