4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Yellow Cake, with vanilla vodka, triple sec and pineapple juice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake with ice and strain into a shot glass. Ingredients:1/3 oz vanilla vodka1/3 oz triple sec1/3 oz pineapple juice Serve in a Shot Glass Categories: Shots and Shooters / by base-ingredient Keywords: yellow […]
cake, martini, Pineapple juice, Triple sec, Vanilla vodka, yellow, yellow cake
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Zadarade, with Absolut® Mandrin vodka, triple sec, sweet and sour mix, cranberry juice, pineapple juice, lemon-lime soda and ice cubes. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Fill glass with ice cubes. Add absolut mandrin, triple sec, and sour mix. Add a splash of cranberry juice, and pineapple. Shake, and […]
Absolut® Mandrin vodka, Cranberry juice, ice cubes, lemon-lime soda, martini, Pineapple juice, sweet and sour mix, Triple sec, zadarade
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Zimamazing, with vodka, gin, rum, tequila, triple sec, sweet and sour mix and Zima. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Put the first six ingredients in a shaker glass without ice and shake until frothy. Fill glass with ice and pour Zima and the contents of the shaker glass […]
Gin, martini, Rum, sweet and sour mix, Tequila, Triple sec, Vodka, zima, zimamazing
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Zombie #5, with light rum, creme de noyaux, triple sec, sweet and sour mix, orange juice and 151 proof rum. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Strain ingredients into collins glass filled with ice. Top with 151 Proof Rum. Ingredients:1 oz light rum1/2 oz creme de noyaux1/2 oz triple […]
creme de noyaux, Light rum, martini, Orange juice, sweet and sour mix, Triple sec, zombie, zombie #5
4 Oct , 2009
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Zombie #2, with light rum, creme de almond, sweet and sour mix, triple sec, orange juice and 151 proof rum. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients (except 151 proof rum) with ice and strain into a collins glass over ice cubes. Float the 151 proof rum […]
creme de almond, Light rum, martini, Orange juice, sweet and sour mix, Triple sec, zombie, zombie #2