A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tobago, with white rum, gin, lime juice and guava syrup. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Blend briefly with a glassful of crushed ice in a cocktail glass. Add a twist of lime, and serve. Ingredients:1 oz white rum1 oz gin1 oz lime juice1/2 oz guava syrup Serve in […]
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Toasted Fisherman, with Crown Royal® Canadian whisky, amaretto almond liqueur, sweet and sour mix and 7-Up® soda. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Mix all ingredients over ice stir and serve with a cherry. Ingredients:1 shot Crown Royal® Canadian whisky1 shot amaretto almond liqueur1 shot sweet and sour mix1 […]
Amaretto almond liqueur, Crown Royal® Canadian whisky, fisherman, martini, sweet and sour mix, toasted, toasted fisherman
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tomate, with Ricard® pastis, grenadine syrup and water. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour ricard over ice cubes in an aperitif glass. Add grenadine, fill with water, and stir. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz Ricard® pastis1 dash grenadine syrup2 oz water Serve in a Aperitif Glass Categories: Cocktails / Short […]
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Tom Sweeney, with Beefeater® gin, creme de cassis and sweet and sour mix. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Add ingredients to a chilled martini glass. Shake well. Garnish with a black raspberry. Ingredients:5 parts Beefeater® gin2 parts creme de cassis2 parts sweet and sour mix Serve in a […]
Beefeater® gin, creme de cassis, martini, sweeney, sweet and sour mix, tom, tom sweeney
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Topaz, with Scotch whisky, butterscotch schnapps and Galliano® herbal liqueur. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Cobine ingredients in a shaker 2/3 filled with ice. Shake well, and then strain into a cocktail glass. Ingredients:3 oz Scotch whisky1 1/2 oz butterscotch schnapps1 tbsp Galliano® herbal liqueur Serve in a […]
Butterscotch schnapps, Galliano® herbal liqueur, martini, Scotch whisky, topaz
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Top Shelf Margarita, with Cointreau® orange liqueur, Grand Marnier® orange liqueur, sweet and sour mix, lime juice and tequila. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Fill mixing glass with ice. Pour in all ingredients. Shake well. Pour into salt rimmed glass. Add lime wedge or wheel. Ingredients:1/2 oz Cointreau® […]
Cointreau® orange liqueur, Grand Marnier® orange liqueur, Lime juice, mar, margarita, shelf, sweet and sour mix, Tequila, top, top shelf margarita
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Top Banana, with creme de bananes, vodka and oranges. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes, and serve. Ingredients:1 oz creme de bananes1 oz vodka juice of 1/2 oranges Serve in a Old-Fashioned Glass Categories: Cocktails / […]
Banana, Creme de bananes, martini, oranges, top, top banana, Vodka
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Toreador, with tequila, creme de cacao and light cream. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake ingredients with ice and strain into cocktail glass. Top with a little whipped cream and sprinkle lightly with cocoa. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz tequila1/2 oz creme de cacao1 tbsp light cream Serve in a […]
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Touch of Zam, with Glayva® Scotch liqueur, benedictine herbal liqueur, sambuca, orange juice, sugar syrup and lemon juice. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake and strain into a champagne saucer filled with crushed ice. Add a slice of orange, and serve. Ingredients:1 oz Glayva® Scotch liqueur1/2 oz benedictine […]
benedictine herbal liqueur, glayva® scotch liqueur, Lemon juice, martini, of, Orange juice, Sambuca, sugar syrup, touch, touch of zam, zam
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Torridora Cocktail, with light rum, 151 proof rum, coffee brandy and cream. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Shake light rum, brandy, and cream with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Float 151 proof rum on top and serve. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz light rum1 tsp 151 proof rum1/2 […]
coffee brandy, cream, Light rum, martini, torridora, torridora cocktail
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Torpedo, with rum, vodka, cognac and white creme de menthe. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Mix the liquors, and garnish with a cherry, cucumber slice, and twist of lemon peel. NOTE: From the musical “Follow the Boys”. Ingredients: rum vodka cognac white creme de menthe Serve in a […]
A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Toro, with spiced rum, vodka and sweet and sour mix. Mixing instructions, directions, method:Pour ingredients into an ice filled shaker and shake. Garnish with a cherry. Ingredients:1 part spiced rum1 part vodka1 part sweet and sour mix Serve in a Margarita Glass Categories: Cocktails / Short […]